La crème brulée

Cooking with Ariane Nov.22 This timeless classic remains a great example of simple, classical cooking. This past Saturday we followed Ariane steps to prepare our own Crème brulée! We confirm that it is very easy to prepare yet a little change can make a difference. Any way, we really had fun making our irresistible flavorful … Continued

Annual Convention des Alliances Françaises in Detroit

October 20-22, 2022, for the first time Detroit received the annual national convention of Alliances Francaises. Alliances Francaises de Détroit and Grosse Pointe supported by the Alliances Francaises of Lansing, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids teamed to host Alliances Francaises from all other the country, Canada, Ste Lucie and Paris. The schedule was busy . The … Continued

Bastille Day

Commonly called Bastille Day in the USA, July 14th is actually the French National holiday “la fête nationale Française”. French refers to it as “le 14 juillet”. Usually celebrated with Military parades, fireworks and balls in France; in Detroit, we celebrate Bastille Day with a nice diner, music, art and official statements.

French Movie Screening

Every month the Alliance Francaise de Détroit presents a movie in French with English subtitles. Mostly recent movies, sometime classics in a convivial and intimate ambiance. To be part of a screening, you just need to register in advance because space is limited. There is no charge, but a small donation is appreciated. Movies are … Continued

Festinema junior 2022

   Festinema Junior is an annual national French film festival offered by the AF USA network and Institut Français to elementary and secondary French students. French teachers are invited to contact us to participate in the program. This is an educational program tailored to teach French culture trough films. It consists of age-appropriate movies.  Each movie … Continued

We have a winner! Nous avons un gagnant!

Mohammed Omari, member of the Alliance Francaise de Détroit, won yesterday a one week stay for two, all-inclusive, in a North American ClubMed Resort Vacation! The AFD/FIM Raffle event in partnership with ClubMed run for a month and ended yesterday, last day of the Francophonie week 2022. You could purchase one ticket for $10 to … Continued

La French Heritage Night débarque!

March 23rd 2022, Detroit Pistons versus Hawks from Atlanta at Little Cesar Arena. It was a partnership between Detroit Pistons, Alliance Francaise de Détroit, Alliance Française of Grosse Pointe and FACC that allowed this wonderful night at Little Cesar Arena. From the very beginning of the night with pregame show to the Detroit Pistons victory … Continued

Le Nain Rouge 2022

Le Nain Rouge, which is French for The Red Dwarf, is Detroit’s very own creepy creature mascot based on a legend that takes roots in the 18th century and has most likely both French and Native traditions wrapped up in it. Some think he provides a warning when bad things about to happen in Detroit, others … Continued