DFP (Diplôme de Français professionnel)
Diplomas of Professional French

Adding a Diploma of Professional French (DFP) to one’s resume provides recognized validation of competence to work in French in the specified domain and language level (from A1 – Beginner, to C1 – Expert).
We are a center of examination for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France (CCI Paris Ile-de-France) which offers certifications in Business, International relations, Tourism and Healthcare
Here are more details on CCIP' Certifications.
Candidates' prerequisites
Applicants must meet the following prerequisites:
- Be 16 years old or older,
- Be able to read and write. At least a secondary-level education is recommended.
- Be able to enter text on a computer and use a mouse to click or move items,
- Have at least a theoretical knowledge of the realities of the professional world.
Test overview and price
You will take the language proficiency exams on a computer at our office, followed by an oral interview.
Tests are made up of two parts:
- Understanding and processing information (between 45 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the level tested)
• Processing written information
• Processing oral information
• Interact via writing - Interact orally (between 5 and 15 minutes, with a period of preparation)
• Two role-playing activities.
Candidates' Guide for DFP Affairs (call us if you would like to see the other specialty guides: 248-538-5440)
DFP level A1/A2: $175
DFP level B1: $195
DFP level B2/C1: $235
Upcoming Exam Dates
DFP Santé Level B2/C1 May 19th,2025 Register before May 09th.
If a level is full do not hesitate to contact us afd@afdetroit.org, we may be able to accommodate. 248-538-5440
How to register and prepare for the test
To register, you will need to fill out this FORM and send it to afd@afdetroit.org
Then you will need to pay for the selected test and date.
Registration is only complete once payment is completed. Attention: Payments are non-refundable
Exam cancellation polices: Any candidate who submits a request to postpone the exam date after the Registration Deadline of his exam is subject to repay the full exam fee.
Transfer to the next session without penalty will be accepted in the case of sickness, provided that a doctor’s note is mailed (not via email) within three days of the original Exam Date.
If you have registered for an exam and need to transfer to another session, please email afd@afdetroit.org
Click here for resources to prepare for the exam.