The Alliance Française de Détroit / French Institute of Michigan is a nonprofit organization that relies on a variety of funding sources for its activities.
Supporting the Alliance Française de Détroit / French Institute of Michigan means:
- Playing a direct and key role in the promotion of French cultures
- Facilitating the development of rich educational programs for children and adults
- Making possible the growth and continued excellence of our cultural programming
Your donation is important for us, every penny counts to ensure a high quality cultural and educational programming.
As a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization, your donation to AFD/FIM may be tax deductible, check with your tax advisor.
The Alliance Française de Détroit / French Institute of Michigan appreciates the generosity of organizations that look to further the visibility of their products and services through in-kind donations.
We also accept books or DVDs for our library and/or used book sales as long as storage allows (please ask 248-538-5440)